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Contributing guidelines#

If you want to contribute to the development of the GNN, you should create a fork of the repository. You can read about forking workflows here, or take a look at the contributing guidelines in the training dataset dumper documentation.

You should make changes inside a feature branch in your fork. It is generally a good idea not to work directly on the the main branch in your fork. Then, when your feature is ready, open a merge request to the target branch on upstream (which will usually be main). Once this is merged to upstream, you can git pull upstream main from your fork to bring back in the changes, and then fork again off main to start the development of a new feature. If your feature branch becomes outdated with its target, you may have to rebase or merge in the changes from the target branch, and resolve any conflicts, before you can merge.

Remember to keep you fork up to date with upstream.

Code Formatting#

It's good practice to document your code with module and function docstrings, and inline comments. It's also recommended to use black to format your contributions. You can take a look at the umami docs for more guidelines on code style.